Monday, January 5, 2015

A town in Ecuador

     I'm getting more used to this little town and I am noticing less the trash and dogs. Now I am noticing the people and their lives. Every other little house has a shop on the lower floor that sells bottled water or rotisserie chicken or washes your clothes. Everyone is busy with family, work or sitting in the shade to avoid the heat. Most people meet your eye and say hola or buenos dias. Few speak English but show little irritation with my poor communication attempts.  
     Construction is everywhere in a madcap crookedness that would make any American lawyer faint. Scaffolding is made of teetering bamboo wrapped in rebar. Now that the vacationers are back in the big cites the streets are empty of traffic and the kids are wandering around after school, two to a bike or in small groups. The hippies and surfers hangout one town down and the expats look dazed. 
     We are doing our best to not get sun burnt and keep busy. Home work is getting done. Lots of books are getting read. Tonight was dinner and game night. We are not used to slowing this far down. 
     Maybe soon I will be handle a sentence in Spanish but don't hold your breath. During lessons I notice the bits that I can use on my job and setting those aside to practice more later. Now I will sign out of this ramble with buenos noches.