Saturday, January 24, 2015

Beach Life

     It's not for everyone. Not really even for me for long. However I would suggest that everyone deflate long enough to be a true beach bum for a month. It takes time to fully deflate so need a month. Drink mostly beer or fruit juice. Wear mostly swimwear and flip flops. Eat seafood, untouched by heat if possible. Eat lots of fruit from just up the hill or off your neighbors tree. Avoid transportation that requires a motor unless it is a bus to the next beach. Buy jewelry made from grown things. Make friends with your neighbors. Shower outside. Surf, read, swim and sleep in a hammock. Live in a different gear. Move at a slower pace.
     Then of course go back to your real life and make money so you can do it again. Just my advice. We have beach one week left.

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