Tuesday, January 6, 2015


     Opportunities to write blog entries come to me. I don't really need to think them up. You should know that stingray stings are NOT fatal. There was that crazy Australian crocodile guy who died from a sting but that was because he was handling it and it stung him through the heart.
     I only got stung once in each ankle. While I said it was NOT fatal it sure does hurt. Cael and Lumia and I went out to in low tide this morning. We were standing in the surf when I felt a quick stab in each foot. When I pulled them up out of the water a decent trickle of blood was coming out of two little holes.
     When we first came here I looked up dangerous animals. I learned that there were few dangerous animals in the ocean and they are very rare especially in our shallow surf. Out further there are sharks but they keep away from people. Locals had mentioned stingrays but said that they were very rare. So this morning I was not to worried that I was in danger but I thought I should go into town to see the doctor just in case. 
     Both of my inside ankles were stung just above my callus pad. Both bled a bit until they were all covered with sand. They hurt quite a bit but could still limp along at a pretty good clip. I told Steph that I was heading up the beach for medical advice. Cael walked up the beach with me. 
     First we looked for surf teachers but none were out this morning and there were no life guards on duty this low tourist day. So we walked into town to our Spanish teacher. I figured we knew her and should could at least point us to a clinic. 
     Ivonne looked a bit shocked but quickly got out a candle, lit it and dripped the hot wax on my stings. I was skeptical but the pain did go away some. She then told me how to get to the town doctor. By now Cael started to cry and said he was scared. He has always been sensitive to others pain. 
    Doctor Villalta-Cadena was not stressed out about it so I quickly relaxed. There was only one other patient in his office. The geriatric gentleman finished up his appointment, got his medications and left. I asked Dr VC if there was concern about poison and in his broke English said I only had to be concerned about pain and infection. He said I was lucky because I got stung twice. He said he had never see that. He gave me two shots of lidocaine at the sites and cleaned me up with a strong antiseptic. He gave me two doses of Lanimex to take, a medication much like ibuprophen. By now Steph and Lumia caught up and paid the doctor $16.50. A deal. He said I can go right back to swimming as long as I cleaned them up and applied antibiotic cream.
     Now that I am home I looked up those stingrays and I am indeed not in danger. The candle thing actually has a basis in science. Stingray venom protein breaks down with heat. They suggest hotpacks, hot sand, hot water. 
     How is that for a fun morning? The pain is almost gone. Only hurts when I poke it. 


  1. WOW! Ecuadorian battle wounds! You are tough.

  2. Two stings! I'm glad to hear you're alright, and also impressed by how you impressed the locals with your rare two stings. :)
